Writing Samples 

Much of my perspective on life and design is framed through storytelling. I'm very interested in how different mediums use stories to express their narrative. In my own writing, I have always been drawn towards short form, but I have also explored writing for film and video games. 

I have found design to be the perfect combination of my love for people, technology, and narrative. I hope you can see that in some of the samples below. 


"Trophy" is a script that I worked on during a course in London. Our studies were focused on the structure of film and how various types of literature are adapted into film. We were tasked with writing a script that would fit the British Film Institute's criteria for funding. 

"Trophy" Beat Outline
"Trophy" Treatment


Firefly Episode

During another screenwriting course, we were given the opportunity to write a spec script for the television show Firefly. This course enabled me not only to improve my writing skills, but also practice formal critique on several of my classmates' work.

"School's Out" - Firefly Spec Script